Vaccination update
March 14th, 2023
Flu vaccine
As of 1 April 2023 flu vaccines will be available for everyone.
Please phone the health centre to make an appointment.
Flu vaccines are FREE for all over 65yrs, 6mths – 12 yrs, Maori and Pacific from 55yrs and those with specific health conditions.
There is another flu vaccine available which is designed for those aged 65yrs and over but is NOT funded. It contains an ingredient which offers enhanced protection against the flu. If you would like this vaccine, it will incur a cost and will be available at pharmacies.
Meningitis B
The meningitis vaccine (Bexero) is now funded and available for all children up to 5yrs of age.
This vaccine is now given with your child’s scheduled immunisation appointments.
It is also funded for 13-25yr olds living in hostel accommodation.
If you or your child is in these categories, please make an appointment with a nurse.
The shingles vaccine is funded ONLY for 65yr olds.
It is a two dose course and to be eligible, you must have your first dose at age 65yrs.
Measles (MMR)
This vaccine is FREE for all people born after 1969.
Those born prior to 1969 are deemed to have natural immunity.
If you unsure if you have had this vaccine, please contact the health centre.
Whooping Cough
The whooping cough vaccine is included in the childhood immunisation schedule.
It is also funded at 45 and 65yrs of age, and for pregnant women from 16 – 38 weeks.
It is strongly recommended for extended family members where a new-born is expected.