Quit smoking for good this year
January 26th, 2021
Every hour, day, week, month and year that you go without smoking, your health will improve.
Stopping smoking isn’t easy. But hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders have done it, and you can too.
Smoking harms your body in many ways. Smokers who do not quit have a 1 in 2 chance of dying of a smoking-related illness – most commonly lung cancer, other lung diseases, heart disease and stroke.
The Benefits of Quitting
Health benefits
You will feel immediate benefits when you quit as your body starts to repair itself. Quitting at any age is beneficial and not only increases life expectancy; it also improves quality of life.
Financial benefits
Smoking is an expensive habit. Smoking a pack a day costs around $10,000 per year or approximately $192 a week (based on the average cost in January 2018).
How much is smoking costing you? Use this calculator to find out.
How much can quitting save you?
Your family
It’s not only you being harmed by smoking. Second-hand smoke kills around 350 New Zealanders every year. Second-hand smoke contains the same poisonous chemicals that you breathe into your body when you smoke.
Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more likely to develop asthma. They are also more likely to develop coughs, colds and ear infections. Even if you don’t smoke around your baby or children, the poisonous chemicals from tobacco will stay in your clothes and can still do them harm.
Children and teenagers whose parents or caregivers smoke are seven times more likely to become smokers themselves. You’ll be setting them a great example by quitting. Plus, you’re likely to live longer to enjoy your family and friends.
Your appearance
Smoking starves your skin of oxygen making it dry and grey. You develop wrinkles around your eyes and mouth much earlier, and the tar stains your teeth and fingers.
Your hair and breath will smell cleaner. So will your house, car and clothes.
Smoking makes it harder for you to exercise and reduces the benefits to your body.
Your senses
Your sense of smell and taste will improve.
How we can help
Please ask our nurses or doctors for advice and support to help you quit smoking. There are many options available to help you quit smoking. Your Doctor or Nurse will work with you to find the best treatment option to fit your lifestyle.
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
Using nicotine patches, gum or lozenges reduces withdrawal symptoms and can double your chances of stopping smoking.
Non-nicotine quit treatments
Non-nicotine quit treatments reduce the negative sensations of nicotine withdrawal so you do not miss having a cigarette so badly. It also blocks the pleasant sensations of smoking so having a cigarette is less enjoyable. Non-Nicotine medications must be prescribed by your doctor. They can be useful, and your doctor will explain how to use them.