Routine consultations are scheduled for 15 minutes.
Some doctors have evening clinics to enable you to see your doctor outside normal business hours.
If your appointment is urgent, we will see you on the day, but you may not see the doctor of your choice.
Consultations requiring longer time need to be booked at least one week ahead e.g. Minor Surgery, Insurance Medicals, Six Week Baby Checks. It is advisable for you to phone a few days in advance for routine, non-urgent appointments.
We have a large team of doctors and you are encouraged to identify with one doctor as this helps to build rapport and promote continuity of care. As your doctor will be away at various times, if you have long-term health conditions, it is beneficial if you have a second doctor you know and can see in your doctor’s absence.
How to book an appointment

Appointments at the UHHC can be made anytime, anywhere using your Vensa login
Phone Booking

04 920 1800