Foster Hope Christmas Tree
December 1st, 2023
Whilst the holiday period is a time to celebrate and be with family, for some young people this is not possible.
We are again this year participating in the Foster Hope Charitable Trust Christmas Giving Tree
This was very successful last year, and patients can participate too if they wish.
There is now a Christmas tree in the wait room with tags on.
If you would like to donate, take a tag from the tree. The tags will have an age range and boy/girl on them, you choose a tag, buy a gift, do not wrap as they must be checked.
It is also ok to donate a gift as a pair or group.
The gifts are then given to children in the Wellington area who are in foster care over the holiday period.
There is a tight time frame as the gifts will need to be picked up on Friday 8 December afternoon so that they can be wrapped and distributed in time for Santa to deliver them.
Below is a link to Foster Hope Charitable Trust website so you can see more details of their work , and their gift Ideas
Christmas Gift Drive Gift Ideas
- Toy cars and trucks
- Lego sets
- Snuggle Rug
- Beach bags, beach towels and jandals
- Jewellery for ages 7 – 18 or Jewellery making kits
- Jewellery Boxes or Make-up Bags – maybe with something in it like a bracelet, moisturiser, bath gel etc.
- Craft kits are useful for days that the children cannot go outside due to weather
- Balls – rugby, soccer etc. that they can kick around with other kids
- For kids aged 10-18, headphones
- For teenagers, toiletry sets