Here are some tips on preparation and what to expect during your visit.
Here are some tips on preparation and what to expect during your visit.
The holiday season is upon us, and we at Upper Hutt Health Centre want to keep you informed about our hours over this busy time.
To use online services for appointment bookings, repeat prescriptions and lab results you can now signup to the new Vensa patient portal.
Expert care, led by female clinicians. Open for personalised services tailored to your unique needs. Eligibility criteria may grant you cost-free procedures. Your well-being starts here.
As the weather starts to cool down, flu season is just around the corner. The…
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From Monday 27th January, the District Nursing Clinic in Upper Hutt will be located in…
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The holiday season is upon us, and we at Upper Hutt Health Centre want to…
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ACC covers everyone in New Zealand who is injured in an accident.
Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for future health care and end-of-life care.
Approximately one in six New Zealanders has asthma. Contact us today to discuss prevention and treatment.
Babies are utterly and brilliantly life-changing. Get some tips on how to survive the first year.
A cardiovascular risk assessment (heart check) determines your risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next five years.
Smear tests save lives. Our registered nurses are qualified and experienced smear-takers.
There are over 200 different viruses that can cause colds. You can often treat a cold without seeing your GP.
Speak to your Upper Hutt Health Centre Doctor to find the right choice for you.
The Upper Hutt Health Centre Diabetes team help patients with diabetes to self-manage and improve their overall health and wellbeing.